If you draft the best player available why does it matter if Seahawks drafted Frank Clark?
The Seattle Seahawks are being criticized pretty heavily for drafting Michigan defensive end Frank Clark.
Clark was arrested for domestic viloence after his girlfriend was found on the floor of a hotel room almost knocked out cold.
Clark was initially charged with two first-degree misdemeanors for domestic violence and assault. Three weeks ago, he pleaded guilty to a reduced charge of persistent disorderly conduct in a plea deal with prosecutors.
Well the Seahawks are being criticized for not investigating the females at the hotel room and feel Clark is not guilty of hitting his girlfriend.
Regardless of the situation, none of us were there that night. So we cannot assume anything. While, I believe hitting a woman is insane and should get you whooped, I cannot prove it.
If the Seahawks felt Frank Clark was the best player available for their team, why does it matter?
If the Seahawks felt he was guilty I doubt they would have drafted him. They must have done enough homework to figure he fit their scheme. So at the end of the day, scouting win. If Frank Clark gets in trouble again, then that is on him. The Seahawks will have to face the wrath, just like the Patriots and Aaron Hernandez.

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