Congratulations Bobby Bell and My favorite Bobby Bell Moment
I would like to congratulate Bobby Bell on his graduation from the University of Minnesota. Bobby made a promise he would finish school and now, he has. Bobby is 74 years old and still making his dreams come true. Congrats, Bobby! It is these stories that allow us to be inspired. To know it is never too late to try. Age really is just a number. Sticking to the topic of Bobby Bell, I met him once. No, I did not get his autograph or ask if I could get a quick photo. While a college student, I worked every summer. I worked for Hy-Vee. Anyway, I was checking out customers when I saw Bobby Bell in my line! I knew it was Bobby Bell; however, as I checked out his order, he wrote a check. A customer writing a check required photo id. Anyhow, following store policy, I had to get his id. I hated asking but knew I must. He was actually very nice. I wish I had time to talk to him. I would ask him how it felt to win a super bowl. Again, thanks for the inspiration, Bobby! We are proud you played for the Kansas City Chiefs!
My sole Bobby Bell experience occurred while I worked summers in college. Anyway, I was working at a grocery store and one evening in my checkout lane, I noticed a nicely dressed older gentleman. I finished the customer before bobby and thought to myself, That’s Bobby Bell! Anyhow, I tendered his order and he wrote a check to pay for his items. I knew it was Bobby Bell but it was a cardinal no-no not to check id. In fact, it was required. I gulped and asked for his id. He smiled and handed over the info. I hated asking because I knew this was’ The Bobby Bell.’ Nevertheless, rules are rules. I finished the transaction and wished him a great evening. I felt bad that I did not get to say how much respect and love the fans have for him; but Bobby is a smart man. I am sure he already knew that. Thanks for smiling and helping this former college student’s shift an interesting, fun not the usual night at work.

NFL Draft Diamonds was created to assist the underdogs playing the sport. We call them diamonds in the rough. My name is Damond Talbot, I have worked extremely hard to help hundreds of small school players over the past several years, and will continue my mission. We have several contributors on this site, and if they contribute their name and contact will be in the piece above. You can email me at