Three former standout Canadian College players at UBC arrested and charged with sexual assault from an incident in 2018

UBC is one of the top colleges in Vancouver, Canada and has produced some star athletes that went on to have great careers in the CFL. Three of their former players were arrested this week and charged with sexual assault in relation to an incident that reportedly happened back in 2018.
The report says that Treymont Levy, Trivel Pinto and Ben Cummings have all been charged with one count each of sexual assault and Levy has also been charged with one count of voyeurism.
All three were on the team back in 2016. The report came from 2018, when a female called the police at 4:30 am on November 5, 2018 to report she had been sexually assaulted by three men at a residence in Vancouver.
Pinto was signed to the Calgary Stampeders in January 2021, and is currently on their roster. We actually did an interview with Pinto in 2019.
“The three men have been arrested and remain in police custody at this time. They are expected to appear in a Richmond Provincial court at a later date,” Shoihet said.

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